Plums are temperate climate plants, and for their proper development they need an average rainfall of at least 600 mm. In case of dry months you should care about their proper irrigation level. It is recommended to buy trees only from the qualified nurseries as that may guarantee that fruit are free from diseases. They grow well on pervious and nutrient-rich soils with pH in the range of 5,5 – 6,0. They prefer chernozems, loess, alluvial soils, you can also plant them on clay or sand-clay areas. They grow well on sunny terrains – if it is necessary, cut taller trees that grow nearby in order to provide the plum trees with sufficient amount of sun rays. It is recommended to plant them in spring (at the end of March) when there is little chance of frost and when the soil becomes dry. When planting a larger number of trees, remember about adequate space between them. Trees are expected to grow in the following season.

The place where the plum tree grows must be regularly weeded. As far as the fertilization is concerned, it is recommended to use the nitrogen agents. The amount of fertiliser in the first year after planting should be in the range of 30-50 kg of nitrogen, in the second year 40-60 kg and in the following years 80-120 kg annually. When fertilizing and enriching soils you should avoid using herbicides. Apart from nitrogen, each plum variation requires also potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and manganese. As the lack or shortage of any of those ingredients may result in an incorrect or difficult growth, it is recommended to buy specialized plum fertilisers that contain all determined elements. It guarantees the appropriate and rich harvest of fruit.